Liturgical Ministries

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20


Altar Linens

This involves cleaning and maintaining the linens that are used in Holy Mass.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217

Knights of the Altar

The Altar Server Ministry is open to all interested 5th graders and older who wish to be trained as servers for Sunday, Holy Day, and special Masses. In addition, high school boys are eligible to serve as Knights of the Altar, a society of young men dedicated to serving at the altar and living a spiritual life.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217

Environment & Art

The Environment & Art Ministry decorates the church and narthex for Christmas, Easter, and smaller feasts in between. Special skills are not required because there is plenty to do in terms of staging, moving, and helping. This is a great, simple ministry for bringing others closer to Christ by better reflecting heaven on earth.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217


Ushers greet worshipers at Sunday Masses; assist in seating people; assist those with special needs; guide collection baskets; and distribute bulletins and handouts after Masses. This important ministry often serves as our first contact with newcomers and visitors to the parish, so Ushers should be warm, engaging, welcoming beacons of Christ’s love to strangers.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221


Readers have the privilege and responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God during the celebration of Mass. Readers must first and foremost have a deep love of and respect for Scripture. Secondly, readers must be able to proclaim the readings audibly, clearly, and with passion to communicate God’s word. Readers are required to be practicing Catholics and attend a training session at least once a year.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217

Pastoral Ministers of Care ~ EMHC

Those who wish to take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound receive training and are commissioned with EMHC.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217

Wedding Ministry

The Wedding Ministry helps couples with one of their most important and special liturgies. The teams help decorate the church, clean up after Mass, and make sure things run smoothly. Volunteers must be available on Friday night and Saturday.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217

Ministers of Welcome

You may feel called to greet and welcome parishioners and guests as they enter the church before Holy Mass.

Contact: Shirley Smalley 480.905.0221 x214


This group of parishioners support the flow of the liturgy by coordinating the liturgical ministers, monitoring the worship space, and overseeing the preparation of the liturgical vessels and materials.

Contact: Deacon Al Homiski 480.905.0221 x217


More Information

For more information on how to get involved with outreach programs for the community, as well as parish-oriented ministries and groups please read the Parish Ministries Directory. All parishioners are encouraged to prayerfully discern where their gifts can be best utilized in our community.


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