
Job Openings at St. Bernadette

Ministry Services Coordinator and Scheduler and a Coordinator of Grade School Youth Evangelization


Ushers Needed

St. Bernadette is in need of additional ushers for our weekend masses, especially at the Saturday and Sunday 5:00pm Masses. Ushers serve as the first smiling face that greets parishioners and visitors to our Church. They are responsible for the smooth functioning of the Mass, including:


Upcoming Events

Mother's Day Roses

Add Sat, May 11 - Sun, May 12

At all Masses the weekend of May 11/12 The Knights of Columbus would like to say thank you to moms for all the wonderful things they do the whole year through. Members of St. Bernadette’s Council 12164 will pass out roses to mothers at all Masses on May 11/12.